Murhaf Hossari Apps

Mobile-Wiki 1.0
The idea is so simple! Many of us encounteraword! and we wonder, what does it mean? we google it, look foritin Wikipedia ...etc. Wouldn't it be nice to have various typesofinformation form different sources about this word to be abletocreate a bigger picture about the term we want to learn moreabout?This is what Mobile-Wiki does. You can simply enter aword,select a language and then hit search, the app will then getyouthe translation of the entered word in the selected languagefromgoogle translate and few lines from Wikipedia with theselectedlanguage as well, along with some news from variousresources (inEnglish) related to this word. In addition, the appwill get few ofthe most recent tweets talking about this word!So hopefully with all this info, gathered fromdifferentresources and found in one place, you will find what youneed toknow about anything that comes up!